Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reconciliation Essay - 2590 Words
â€Å"Can the past be forgiven? Can people who have been traumatized live with memory and each other again? What do they need to be healed?†(Marrus 27). In a world growing smaller each day, people cannot afford to hold onto the traumas and wrongs that have been committed unto them. At the same time, how can the world ask people who have been tortured, abused, systematically raped, and their lives forever changed to live with their aggressors once again? Can these people forgive their transgressors and come to a place of reconciliation? The steps taken by the Germany after the Second World War give one example of how to acknowledge atrocities. The Holocaust is an example of horrors on a global scale, but despite the scale or length of†¦show more content†¦It works to create a positive peace through a transformation of conflict. In 1992, United Nations secretary General Boutros-Ghali released his report titled An Agenda for Peace. This document proposed peace b uilding as â€Å"Action to identify and solidify peace in order to avoid relapse into conflict,†(Boutros-Ghali 11). While two sides are still in conflict, there is not a chance for communication between sides. Until violent conflict ceases, the two parties will continue to dehumanize one another and decrease the ability to understand one another. However, conflicts cannot always resolve themselves and outside intervention is sometimes needed to avoid a cycle of revenge, which can be a result. â€Å"The problem is a well-known bias in human perception, whereby we inflate the value of the wrongs we suffer, and minimize the value of those we ourselves inflict.†(Santa-Barbara 179). Luckily, there are nations such as Canada, with politicians like Lloyd Axworthy, who created the Canadian peace building initiative in 1996. â€Å"The initiative suggested a concern for the multidimensional and integrated causes of civil war and thus acknowledged the need to address the economic, social, and political aspects of reconstruction and reconciliation†(Keating 171). Michael R. Marrus argues that there are four contexts that need to be addressed when trying to develop a strategy for reconciliation. These are political, legal, material, and cultural. These different areas of concernShow MoreRelatedThe Truth And Reconciliation Commission1667 Words  | 7 PagesIn Country of My Skull, Antjie Krog writes pieces of prose, poetry, narrative and transcripts raw testimonies of the victims and offenders, during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) hearings. 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